Whenever I get a new personal injury client, I always remind them to keep all their doctor's appointments and to fully complete their medical treatment. In my experience, many clients simply stop going to the doctor after a while because life gets in the way. In other words, they are too busy, work is too hectic, or they have too many other obligations. They simply stop going to the doctor and they are never formally discharged from care. Sometimes, they stop going to physical therapy for the same reasons.
I totally understand that life is complicated and scheduling doctor's appointments can be very difficult. However, if you stop going to the doctor, juries and insurance adjusters will assume you stopped going because you must be healed from your injuries. If you have an injury, you should seek medical treatment until you are healed and/or until a doctor formally discharges you from his/her care. Also, if your doctor suggests you return if you still have pain, ask the doctor how long you should wait before coming back to see them if the pain doesn't go away or resurfaces. That way, when you return for care, you are truly following the doctor's instructions and recommendations. Always remember, insurance companies don't care how busy you are. They don't care how hard it is to find time to go to the doctor. You don't get reimbursed for how hectic your life is or has become after an auto accident. The insurance companies are looking for reasons not to pay your claim. If they see you simply stopped going to the doctor on your own volition, that will be used against you. They will assume the reason you stopped is because you were healed. If you need help with your personal injury case, call Robert Mansour at (661) 414-7100. Robert serves Santa Clarita and its communities of Valencia, Saugus, Canyon Country, Castaic, Newhall, Stevenson Ranch and surrounding areas. Comments are closed.
Attorney Robert MansourRobert Mansour is an attorney in Santa Clarita, California who has been practicing law since 1993. After working for 13 years for the insurance companies, he now counsels victims of personal injury. Click here to learn more about Robert Mansour. Categories
December 2024