VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Hello everybody. This is Robert Mansour and I'm broadcasting from my office in Los Angeles.
One of my area's of practice is personal injury, and I wanted to make this brief video today to talk about an injury that happens more often than you think in car accidents and that is the shoulder rotator cuff tear. Now this can happen sometimes when there's direct trauma to the shoulder, but sometimes it can also happen as a result of a mechanical situation where maybe you're gripping the steering wheel very hard or you get hit and you move from side to side and you hit part of the car. There are several ways that the shoulder tear can happen, or perhaps you were predisposed to the shoulder tear. But it is certainly something that can happen. What usually occurs is the client feels that their shoulder's not right. There's something wrong with it. They can't lift it properly. They come to lift their arm and they find the limitation. And sometimes they're not quite sure what it is. So make sure that you mention the injury to the should to your doctor at the very beginning. Don't just brush it off as nothing because what could happen is, you think it's nothing and you think it's going to get better over time, but then over the next several weeks you find that it's getting worse and worse and then the doctor diagnoses a shoulder tear. And then the insurance company says well, wait a minute. You didn't mention this until several weeks later. And this shoulder tear issue only occurred several weeks later so there must have been some other incident that occurred. But if you have documented pain in the shoulder from the very beginning and the doctor is aware of it, if it's in your records, and then it ultimately shows up to be a tear, that makes a lot more sense to the insurance adjuster. So make sure, even if you feel something is not quite right in that shoulder, make sure to mention it to your doctor. Even if you think it's going to get better overtime. Because if it doesn't, at least you've protected yourself and documented the injury. Rotator cuff tears are common in car accidents and so don't be surprised if you have a shoulder tear or something like that. So don't be so quick to dismiss the injury is what I'm trying to say there. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to give me a call. My name is Robert Mansour. My number is 661-4141-7100, or you can visit my website Thank you very much for watching. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Hello everybody, this is Robert Mansour, and I'm a lawyer in the Los Angeles area. One of my areas of practice is personal injury law. Now most of the time I help my clients with the injury portion of their case, but sometimes I help them with the property damage as well.
One of the issues that comes up relative to property damage is whether or not you should rent a car and how you should go about doing it. You have a few options. The first option that you can do is not rent a car at all. If you don't really need to rent a car and maybe you don't need to do that and what you can ask for is something called "loss of use" which means that you can ask the other party's insurance company for something called "loss of use" which means, let's say, you were out of a car for a week or two weeks because of the accident. You can ask for roughly $25 to $35 a day for that rental even though you didn't really actually rent a car. They are compensating you for the loss of use of your vehicle. Now let's say you really do need to rent a car. The preferred method of it is to go through your own insurance company if you have rental insurance, and the reason for that is because they're your insurance company. They owe you a duty. You have a contract with them, and you go basically rent a car at a place, they pay for it, and you're done. The other thing that you can do also, if you don't have rental car insurance and you really need to rent a car, you can go to the other party's insurance company and ask them to rent a car for you. But here's the trick. Sometimes they'll say, "Oh, you can go ahead and rent a car and we'll pay you back." And so you go rent a car thinking everything is fine and then you come and ask them to pay you, and they're like, "Oh, you rented a car for $30 a day. We only pay $20 a day." And then you find yourself in a deficit. So make sure you find out how much they're going to pay for it before you even bother, but better yet find out if their insurance company has a relationship with a rental car company. For example, say, "Hey, listen, do you guys have a contract with Enterprise or Alamo or Hertz?" Because if they do it might be better for you to go there, present a claim number, and have them rent a car for you and then bill the other party's insurance company. Then you're done because generally speaking they haven't negotiated a rate so don't get yourself in a financial hole that you can't get out of. If you want to talk about this or other issues related to personal injury cases, please feel free to contact my office at the phone number listed on the screen, or you can also visit which is my website. Thank you very much for watching, and I hope you found this video to be helpful. If you need help with your Santa Clarita car accident case, give my office a call at (661) 414-7100. |
Attorney Robert MansourRobert Mansour is an attorney in Santa Clarita, California who has been practicing law since 1993. After working for 13 years for the insurance companies, he now counsels victims of personal injury. Click here to learn more about Robert Mansour. Categories
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