Clients often wonder how long their case will take. One of my clients recently emailed me and asked, "Have they made an offer on my case yet?" I explained, "Well, you haven't finished treating with your doctors yet, and we don't know the extent of your bills or injuries. Therefore, we haven't formally presented your case to the insurance company yet. As such, they haven't made an offer on your case."
Clients sometimes want to put the cart before the horse. They want to hurry things along. They think the insurance company is going to make them an offer quickly, at the outset of their case. I think this is because people still think certain body parts are worth a certain amount. I really don't know why this is, but I often have to explain to clients that the insurance company for the responsible party is not going to make an offer on the case prematurely. The case has to be "ripe" before an offer is made. True, sometimes an insurance company will make you a paltry offer at the beginning of your case, but that's only because they are hoping you will take their low-ball offer and go away. Therefore, to answer the question "How long will my personal injury case take?" there are many factors to consider: (1) Are you still treating for your injury and what is the extent of your injury? The more serious your injury, the longer things will take. (2) How much money are you asking for? The more you ask for, the longer your case will take. (3) Is the adjuster handling your case overworked? Some adjusters are handling 200 cases at a time. You are simply one of many and they will get to your case when they can. (4) Is the adjuster competent? Some adjusters never answer their phone or return phone calls. This can also delay your case. (5) Are you providing your lawyer with the information and documentation he/she requests in a timely manner? Some of my clients are very helpful and responsive and some think documents are going to magically appear on my desk. The more responsive my client is, the more quickly I can present their case. Therefore, while most personal injury cases resolve within 4 to 5 months, that doesn't mean your particular case will resolve within the same time frame. If you have been involved is a personal injury accident in Santa Clarita or its surrounding areas, call attorney Robert Mansour at (661) 414-7100 for a free consultation. Comments are closed.
Attorney Robert MansourRobert Mansour is an attorney in Santa Clarita, California who has been practicing law since 1993. After working for 13 years for the insurance companies, he now counsels victims of personal injury. Click here to learn more about Robert Mansour. Categories
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