Hello everyone this is Robert Mansour. I wanted to make a brief video today about being proactive regarding your medical care after a personal injury accident. Lets say you get involved in a serious automobile accident and you are hurt. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you need to move, with respect to your care, your health care. Don't let two, three, four weeks go by before you do anything. Here's why, the insurance adjusters look very carefully at your behavior after an automobile accident. They look in they see how much time lapsed from the very day of the accident to day they went to first see a doctor and then they say, "How many days after that did they start their physical therapy and then after that what did they do? Are they skipping their appointments? Are they waiting too long?" This is a very big problem that I see in personal injury cases. For example, I'll call the client and I'll say, "Oh, you were hurt in an accident?" They'll say, "Yes, I was" I say, "Have you seen a doctor?" They say, "No" I said, "You understand that the other party's going to say - that you are not really injured because you didn't go see a doctor.'" Then they go see a doctor because they're hurt and the doctor prescribes physical therapy. I might call the client and I say, "Okay, did you go to the doctor?" They say, "Yes, I did" and I say, "Okay, what happened?" "Oh, the doctor says I should do physical therapy." I say, "Well, did you go for physical therapy?", "Oh, no I'm too busy." That's a very difficult client to help because they're not being proactive about their care. They're being passive about their care and if they don't care enough about their case and their health to go seek the proper medical care, why should the insurance adjuster care any more? It's frustrating sometimes, for me, to have clients who are not proactive because I can't pull a rabbit out of a hat. I am not a magician. If my client tells me that they are hurt and that they are injured from an auto accident, serious auto accident, they need to go to the doctor. They need to get proactive care, they need to get better, they need to go to physical therapy, they need to go get x-rays, MRI's, they need to follow doctors orders. They need to follow through on their appointments because if they don't the insurance company will use all that against them. Then their case implodes on them and they get frustrated. Again, I reiterate, I tell them, "Listen if you don't care enough about your own case, the insurance adjuster is not going to care more than you. In fact they are going to care far less and they are going to devalue your case." Here is the problem, you might have serious injuries from a car accident. You might be really, really hurt, but if you are not proactive about your care it only serves to harm you at the end of the day. The insurance adjuster for the responsible party is more than happy to devalue your case, and to poo-poo it, and to belittle it. Don't give them extra reasons to do so. They're already wired to do that. If you are not proactive about your care, and you don't go seek the care, cetera then don't be surprised if the insurance adjuster and the insurance company for the responsible party, use that against you. Therefore, it is very, very important to move forward with your care. To be proactive about it. To follow through on the doctors orders and to keep your attorney advised of what's going on. Thank you very much for watching this video. I hope I have impressed upon you the importance of proactive medical care after an automobile accident. Thank you very much for watching and if you have any questions regarding this or other personal injury matters, please feel free to contact my office. Thank you very much. Comments are closed.
Attorney Robert MansourRobert Mansour is an attorney in Santa Clarita, California who has been practicing law since 1993. After working for 13 years for the insurance companies, he now counsels victims of personal injury. Click here to learn more about Robert Mansour. Categories
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